Tax Freedom Day

2128 days ago

Theresa May set to betray the 17.4 million over Brexit – sod this that’s 1 vote secured for Labour (mine)

For many of us Brexit was the defining issue of the past few years. Finally we got a referendum, we were promised that the result would be implemented and we won. Slowly the political class backtracked and now today, Theresa May, will set down a watered down proposal which is a sell out. Mrs May is a Quisling. Gone are her “red lines”. Gone is the ability to cut our own trades deals so to get cheaper tariff free food for the poor and working classes.  We will have to accept laws and restrictions imposed by a bloc to which we hand over a vast cheque but have no say over, the Evil Empire. This is the worst of all worlds. This is the bad deal that is worse than no deal. Mrs May has betrayed us.


2146 days ago

Pathetic and wretched Theresa May and her Brexit dividend for the NHS lie

Is Mrs May the worst Tory PM since Heath, since Chamberlain or ever? That would be my suggested question for this summer’s A level politics students and her weekend pledge to give a £384 million a week Brexit dividend to the NHS might just be a central case study. At every level it shows why this wretched woman will tell whatever lie she thinks will win her votes in a desperate attempt to keep her job. It is truly pitiful.
